East Gippsland Badminton


2021 Season starting this week - Weds 3rd March!

Published Mon 01 Mar 2021

2021 Season details, play starts Wednesday 3rd March 7.30pm at Nagle College presentation Hall


When: 7.30-9pm Wednesday evenings in term time

  • Term 1 Weds 3rd March - Weds 31st March (4 weeks)

    • Hall UNAVAILABLE NO PLAY Weds 24th March

  • Term 2 Weds 21st April - Weds 23rd June (8 weeks)

    • Hall UNAVAILABLE NO PLAY Weds 2nd June & Weds 9th & Weds 16th June

  • Term 3 Weds 14th July - Weds 15th Sept (10 weeks)

  • Dates subject to change, we have not been advised of any dates the hall is unavailable at the time of writing.

Where: Nagle College Presentation Hall, Hope Avenue, Bairnsdale


Cost: 2021 Membership rates: $80 adults, $50 Secondary school students and $30 Primary school students.


Your Membership fee is a contribution towards our essential running costs (hall hire, insurance/Badminton Victoria affiliation and other incidentals e.g. Covid cleaning materials). 

Cash and cheques accepted (no EFTPOS).

If you choose to do a bank transfer, please contact us for the bank account details.


Our weekly shuttle fee for members remains $5 per member player. $10 for casual players.

Due to the terms of our insurance policy any casual player/prospective member may play for up to 4 weeks from date of their first attendance for $10/night. After that point they must pay their membership fee and become a registered member of the club - this is for insurance reasons. We cannot allow uninsured players to participate due to the conditions detailed in our hall hire agreement with Nagle and the terms of our insurance policy. 


Covid: as a condition of our hall hire, we have provided Nagle with our Covid Safe plan, we require all players to adhere to this to reduce the risk of spreading Covid 19 between ourselves or introducing it into a school community. Please see Covid Safe Plan document in the "policies" section of our website and in particular note:

do not attend if you are unwell, especially if you have any symptoms which may indicate Coronavirus infection

do not attend if you are awaiting the results of a Covid swab or have a negative result and still have symptoms.

do not attend if you have been in contact with someone who has had a positive diagnosis of Covid in the last 14 days or is awaiting a test result

- download and use the CovidSafe app

- complete our attendance register. Please scan the QR code on the entry door  if you can. We are also keeping a written attendance register and will need you to provide a contact phone number for that.

- sanitise your hands on arrival at the hall

- avoid sharing equipment. It is very difficult, almost impossible, to clean the soft absorbent surface of the grip on a racquet handle to a Covid safe standard, so it is preferable to provide your own racquet rather than relying on club or school racquets. Our club racquets are from here: http://www.epsilonaustralia.com.au/racquets.htm

- avoid physical contact with players, remember no hand shakes at the end of the game 

- bring your own mask if required under Victorian government regulations

- observe social distancing rules as per Victorian government regulations

- equipment e.g. posts, borrowed racquets and hard surfaces e.g. door handles, store door, chairs used, will need to be cleaned at the end of the session (detergent wipes, gloves & masks provided)

- bring your own water bottle


Is there a competition? Yes we will run one if there are enough interested committed players. Informal play to start with. 


For those of you who are parents/guardians of children attending please read our Child Safe policy found in the "policies" section of our website.


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